MLA Works Cited: The Essentials

MLA Works Cited
Master the art of MLA Works Cited with the essentials you need. Discover the key guidelines for citing sources in academic writing and ensure your references are accurate.

Being an English/Art History dual major, Josie will use the Modern Often Language Association (MLA) design to cite sources inside her documents. This design is employed for literature, arts, and humanities.

MLA style works on the Functions Cited list by the end to offer the full information on the sources consulted. Consider the following MLA citations from Josie’s paper on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and note the weather often needed whenever composing complete citations.

Make sure to keep an eye on this information as you gather your sources through the investigation procedure. You will need it later on whenever you write your paper.

Book with One Author

Author’s Final Title, First Name. Title of Book. Host to Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication. Structure.

Jowett, Lorna. Intercourse as well as the Slayer: A Gender Studies Primer for the Buffy Fan. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2005. Print.

Essay from Edited Book

Author’s Final Title, First Name. “Title of Essay.” Title of Edited Book. Ed. Editor First Name. Host to Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication. Page Amounts of Essay. Structure.

Osgerby, Bill. “‘So who’s Got Time for grownups!’: Femininity, Consumption plus the growth of Teen television – from Gidget to Buffy.” Teen television: Genre, Consumption, Identity. Ed. Glyn Davis and Kay Dickinson. London: BFI, 2004. 71-87. Printing

Author’s Final Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal Volume quantity (Year of the book): Page Numbers. Structure.

Magoulick, Mary. “Frustrating Female Heroism: blended Messages in Xena, Nikita, and Buffy.” Journal of Popular Community 39 (2006): 729-55. Print.

Monthly Magazine Articles

Author’s Final Title, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Magazine of Publication (abbreviated except for May, June & July) Year of Publication: Page Numbers month. Structure.

DeCandido, Graceanne A. “Bibliographic Good vs. Evil in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” American Libraries Sept. 1999: 44-47. Print. Those Sites

varies based on a variety of internet sites, but fundamentally.

Author’s/Creator’s Last Name, First Name (if provided). “Title of web Page.” Title of Web Site. Title of this editor or creator for the task or website (if available). Date of Posting/Revision. Title of Organization or Sponsor linked to the Web Site. Format. Date Accessed

“Buffy Slays Academics.” BBC Information Education. 7 Nov. 2001. BBC. Web. 8 2008 July.

Beyond Printing

There exists a structure for citing pretty much everything – films, shows, e-mail, cartoons – you title it. According to MLA recommendations, for works “that have no pagination or other variety of reference markers,” like television shows, movies, etc., it is recommended to incorporate the writer (manager, performer, etc.); therefore, the title associated with the work in the written text (Gibaldi 242).

Therefore, a phrase in Josie’s paper would seem like this:

In Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode 9, “The Puppet,” article writers Des Resort and Batali show that research has turned into a vital and routine step that First and her buddies simply take when protecting the globe from supernatural evildoers, even if they are doing web link therefore begrudgingly as Xander’s remark illustrates, “as soon as once again I am banished to your demon part associated with the card catalog.”

And she’d range from the after in her Functions Cited List:

“The Puppet.” Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Writ. Rob Diverses Resort and Dean Batali. Dir. Ellen S. Pressman. Twentieth Century Fox. WB, Burbank. 5 Might 1997. Tv.

Just How to Cite Information and Statistics

Type Handbook Examples

APA 6th version For a complete description of citation instructions related to pp. 210-211 (dataset) and p. 212 (unpublished natural information) associated with the Publication handbook for the United States Psychological Association, 6th version Call Number: BF 76.7 .P83 2010.

Fundamental type: Author/Rightsholder. (12 Months). Title of information set (Version number) Description of form. Location: Title of producer. Or Author/Rightsholder. (12 months). Title of information set (Version number) Description of form. Retrieved from http://

Example: Pew Hispanic Center. (2008). 2007 Hispanic Healthcare Survey Data code and file book. Retrieved from

Unpublished data that are raw research, untitled work

Fundamental form: Author, F. N. (12 Months). Description of study topic. Unpublished natural information.

Example: Smith, J.A. (2006). Personnel survey. Unpublished data that are raw.

APA Style Guide to Electronic References For a description that is complete of directions, refer to p. 16 of this APA Style Guide to Electronic References (2007) Call Number: PN 171 .F56 A63 2007.

Pew Hispanic Center. (2008). 2007 Hispanic Healthcare Survey Data code and file book. Available from Pew Hispanic Center site:

Note: Available from, rather than Retrieved from, shows that you are taken by the URL to a download site, as opposed to the right to the information set file itself.

Graphic Representation of information

Centers for Infection Control and Prevention. (2005). An interactive map showing a portion of respondents reporting “no” to, through the previous thirty days, did you be involved in any regular activities? Behavioral Danger Factor Surveillance System. Retrieved from

APA edition is 5th. A complete description of citation tips refer to p. 264 (unpublished raw data) and p.281 (data file, available from a federal government agency and from NTIS site) associated with the Publication handbook associated with the United States Psychological Association, 5th version Call quantity: Z 253 .A55 2001.

Unpublished natural information from research, untitled work

Fundamental type: Author, F. N. (12 Months). Description of research subject. Unpublished natural information.

Example: Smith, J.A. (2006). Personnel survey. Unpublished natural data.

APSA Style Handbook for Political Science

For a description that is complete with directions, refer to p. 30 of the APSA Style Manual for Political Science.

Information Archived and offered at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)

Eldersveld, Samuel J., John E. Jackson, M. Kent Jennings, Kenneth Lieberthal, Melanie Manion, Michael Oksenberg, Zhefu Chen, Hefeng He, Mingming Shen, Qingkui Xie, Ming Yang, and Fengchun Yang. 1996. Four-County Study of Chinese Local Government and Political Economy, 1990 computer file (Study #6805). ICPSR variation. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan/Beijing, Asia: Beijing University producers, 1994. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Personal Research distributor, 1996.

United States Sociological Association Style Guide

For the complete description of citation tips refer to p. 104 of the ASA Style Guide Call Number: Reference HM73 .A547 2010

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